The Number

That awkward question of how many people you’ve slept with: don’t ask them. You won’t get the truth, and if you did get...



The Number

That awkward question of how many people you’ve slept with: don’t ask them. You won’t get the truth, and if you...


The Number

That awkward question of how many people you’ve...

1). Track your spending so you can see where your money goes Create a simple spreadsheet and log what you spend every single day...
1). Track your spending so you can see where your money goes Create a simple...
1). Know your why Why are you doing this? To meet a savings goal? Because you are living beyond your means and it makes you feel stressed...
1). Know your why Why are you doing this? To meet a savings goal? Because you...

We could all do with a little more money, whether it’s to pay off that student loan or tackle those mortgage payments...

We could all do with a little more money, whether it’s to...

1). Bad photo Don't crop a group photos so that it zooms in on you with the edge of someone else’s t-shirt in shot.
1). Bad photo Don't crop a group photos so that it zooms in on you with the...
1). Visible wires and cables The best way to bring some order to the chaos is to use boxes that are created specifically to hide these ugly...
1). Visible wires and cables The best way to bring some order to the chaos is...


1). He doesn’t offer to pay

If you’re on a date with a guy you should obviously offer to pay, London is an...


1). He doesn’t offer to pay

If you’re on a date with a...

1. Highlight your transferable skills If you are unqualified for your dream job, do not despair. Figure out your transferable skills and...
1. Highlight your transferable skills If you are unqualified for your dream job...
Reading Reading is a great way to relax and unwind especially before sleep; and there are a whole host of reasons why reading is beneficial...
Reading Reading is a great way to relax and unwind especially before sleep; and...

In the developed world our basic needs have been met but we still want more. We’re no longer satisfied with keeping up with...

In the developed world our basic needs have been met but we still...


Well do you wanna know the reasons why mean cheat? Well do ya? Cos, we’ll tell you right now that we’ll be telling you...


Well do you wanna know the reasons why mean cheat? Well do ya...

1). Extra mugs Often we hold onto these, thinking we might use them if people come over but how many extras do we really need?
1). Extra mugs Often we hold onto these, thinking we might use them if people...

1). Lying

Trust me you don’t want to do this. If a guy is looking for a serious girlfriend and two months down the line he...


1). Lying

Trust me you don’t want to do this. If a guy is...

1). Digitise everything - get rid of paper. 2). Organise your photos on your phone while watching TV. Make albums and get into the habit...
1). Digitise everything - get rid of paper. 2). Organise your photos on your...
1. Delayed response to your manager. If a delay is unavoidable, send a holding email explaining the need for a delay (e.g. you're waiting...
1. Delayed response to your manager. If a delay is unavoidable, send a holding...


Pining for your ex? Want him back?

We ask how to go about making him yours again and whether you should even try.



Pining for your ex? Want him back?

We ask how to go about...