5 steps to landing that dream job you’re underqualified for

1. Highlight your transferable skills

If you are unqualified for your dream job, do not despair. 

Figure out your transferable skills and all your relevant past experience and ensure you highlight them in your CV and covering letter.

2. Tailor your CV to the company and job

Go through the company’s website and have a look at their goals and values and this will give you a good idea of the company culture. 

You may lack the relevant skills for the job but if you hone in on what the company values are, you are likely to create a connection with the recruiter who is reviewing your CV.

For instance, if you see that the company does a lot of charitable work and you have spent a summer volunteering with young children, mention that in your CV.

3. Proofread your CV

Nothing is guaranteed to take you out of the running for a job faster than a CV with a spelling mistake.

Check, double-check and then get a friend to check and double-check before sending anything off.

4. Prepare for the Interview

This is the most important part to ensuring you land that job.

Prepare a list of questions you think you may be asked and write out mock answers. If possible, ask someone who you trust to review your sample answers and give feedback. Once your answers are perfected, practice practice practice. 

Say the answers out loud and practice in front of the mirror or better yet, ask a friend to run through mock interviews with you. 

By the time the interview rolls around you should be able to give ready answers to anything the interviewers might throw at you and if there is something that you’ve not anticipated, the fact that you have done so much preparation will make it easier for you to think on your feet and come up with an answer on the spot. 

5. Post interview thank you note

If appropriate send a post interview thank you note. 

Keep it short and sweet, reiterate how you are excited by the role and thank them for their time.

Remember, it may take a few attempts to get through the door. Keep your focus on the end goal and pursue that dream job of yours!